The Moravian Aristocrat in the Labyrinth of the World

The exhibition The Moravian Aristocrat in the Labyrinth of the World, whose name refers to the famous work by Jan Amos Comenius, is dedicated to the universe of Moravian Renaissance aristocracy – the universe of religious tolerance, prudent government of the estates defending the provincial rights, and of general cultural and economic bloom.

Yet the exhibition is also focused on the dramatic turn of the seventeenth century and its major representatives, namely on the generation of Karel the Elder of Žerotín and Prince Karel of Liechtenstein, who played key parts in the time of the escalated religious controversies, issuing into the revolt of the estates, whose defeat ended the fortunate period in the country’s history. In addition to the two aristocrats, friends from their youth, who, as a result of the tense social circumstances, ended up on opposite sides of the issue, many other remarkable figures were to be found within the ranks the Moravian estates – valiant soldiers, intellectuals, book and art enthusiasts, pious worshippers, politicians, refined courtiers, shrewd economists, as well as careerists and political schemers. The aim of the exhibition is to provide an insight into their lives – education, economy, pastimes, residences, and the everyday, so as to render a comprehensive image of the lifestyle of their time. However, the Bučovice Chateau itself remains the most important “exhibit” of the presentation – one of the incunabula of Renaissance art in Moravia, and at the same time a jewel of European Late Renaissance architecture, whose walls hold the story of Renaissance aristocracy up to this day.

Opening hours

Period Days Hours
1. 5.-30. 9. tue–sun 10.00 – 16.00
1. 10.-31. 10. sat–sun 10.00 – 15.30
28. 10. mon 10.00 – 15.30


Czech guide tour
  • Kategorie Price
  • Full 160 CZK
  • Children 0-6 years free
  • Youth 6-18 years 110 CZK
  • Family (2 full + 1-3 kids up to 15 years) 420 CZK
  • Seniors 65+ 110 CZK
  • ISIC or EYCA Cards 110 CZK
  • ZTP/P Guide free
  • Journalist with press accreditation free
  • Group with reservation over 15 adults 90 CZK/p

Other tours

A tour of the state rooms on the ground floor with rich stucco and painted decoration and the chapel on the first floor. It includes the five famous rooms - the Bird Chamber, Imperial Chamber, Five Senses Chamber, Venus Chamber and Hare Chamber, as well as the food preparation room, armoury and chapel.

this tour is available today 10.00 – 16.00

4F17A2ED-8B52-4F67-8D80-EE0130BE50BE 130 CZK, foreign-language 200 CZK (full admission) 2F500991-B0F5-4AC5-9B90-2BBFBDCDFC45 Buy ticket

71B5B7E7-ACEA-4214-84EB-20FF073CEC43 duration 45 minutes

94D4AB38-6EA4-4B19-9C7F-17B845D49188 max. 45 people

Group reservation needed for groups only

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A tour of the exhibition rooms.

this tour is not available today

4F17A2ED-8B52-4F67-8D80-EE0130BE50BE 50 CZK (full admission)

71B5B7E7-ACEA-4214-84EB-20FF073CEC43 duration 30 minutes

94D4AB38-6EA4-4B19-9C7F-17B845D49188 max. 45 people

Group reservation not necessary

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this tour is not available today

4F17A2ED-8B52-4F67-8D80-EE0130BE50BE 160 CZK, czech guide only (full admission)

71B5B7E7-ACEA-4214-84EB-20FF073CEC43 duration 45 minutes

94D4AB38-6EA4-4B19-9C7F-17B845D49188 max. 45 people

Group reservation needed for groups only

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